This fall, I took a 2-week solo trip to Italy. The primary cities I visited were Rome, Florence, San Gimignano, and Siena, with brief stops to San Miniato, Volterra, and Fiumicino. This is part 2 of a series of articles recapping the trip.
Stop 1: Rome For Rome my stop in Rome, the first of the trip, I had the most planned-out. On the first two days, I had guided tours planned for the mornings.
This fall, I took a 2-week solo trip to Italy. The primary cities I visited were Rome, Florence, San Gimignano, and Siena, with brief stops to San Miniato, Volterra, and Fiumicino. This is part 1 of a series of posts recapping the trip.
Travel and Lodging Plan My flight was in and out of Rome, and I booked all of my lodging prior to the trip, so I knew where I would be each night.
Synopsis, from IMDB:
A Japanese pacifist, unable to face the dire consequences of conscientious objection, is transformed by his attempts to compromise with the demands of war-time Japan.
The most immediately striking thing to me about this (Japanese) trilogy is how bluntly it exposes the excesses and abuses of the Imperial Japanese system during WWII, so soon after the end of the war.
The structure of the trilogy reminded me of the TV show, The Wire.
TL;DR: Check it out here!
Background With about 1.5 hours of commuting to work each day, I spend a lot of time listening to podcasts. My absolute favorite of which is FilmJunk, a movie discussion show.
They sometimes play a game called “Score Bits”, in which the 3 hosts each prepare clips of film score, which are played for the others to guess. Prior to the live 700th episode of the show, the listeners were asked to provide clips for a game of “Dialogue Bits” (same concept, with clips of movie dialogue).
I decided to overhaul my personal site, with a blog, in order to (hopefully) force myself to write about some of the various things that interest me.
Some things that I might write about are:
Software development. Side-projects that I am working on. Technologies that I am learning. Tutorials. Movie reviews. The NBA. It would be great if others find some of the content useful, but I will be satisfied if I can use the exercise to improve as a writer.