
Solo projects

AllRoads Analytics
AllRoads Analytics
(2021-present) Web Analytics SaaS

Built, support, and maintain this web analytics software.

Makes use of Google BigQuery, Google App Engine, Express NodeJS server, Laravel PHP framework, Digital Ocean hosting.

Website Code
(2023) Micro-blogging app

Built as a project to learn native app development, using React Native and Google Firebase.

Web, iOS, and Android versions.
(Email me for "beta" access to iOS/Android)

Website Blog post Code
Letterboxd Embed
Letterboxd Diary Embed
(2023) Embed your Letterboxd diary (movies recently watched) on your website.

Backend powered by a Cloudflare Worker.

Website Frontend Backend
Letterboxd Doppelgängers
Letterboxd Doppelgängers
(2024) Find Letterboxd (social movie watching platform) users with the same favorites as you.

Next.js web app, with Cloudflare Worker edge functions.

Website Github
Tonal Recall
Tonal Recall
(2019) Audio-clip guessing-game builder.

VueJS web app. AWS S3 static-site hosting, and audio-clip storage.

Website Blog post Code
Barbell Planner
Barbell Planner
(2023) Web app to calculate weightlifting plates to load on a barbell.

Built using Svelte, as a learning project.

App Code

(2022) Trivia Game

A Wikipedia article guessing game.
Inspired by Wordle, built with Vue.js.

Website Code